Important ‘Heads Up’ on Proposed Changes that will Seriously Affect
ALL Milk Producers!
Fontera have advised that the MPI or the ‘Ministry of Primary Industries’ are looking to change the rules around the storage and cooling of milk on farms.
Here are the currently proposed new Milk Cooling regulations:
- Must be 10⁰C within 4 hours of the commencement of milking
- Must be 6⁰C within 2 hours of the completion of milking; or within 6 hours of commencement of milking (whichever is the lesser).
- Must be kept at or below 6⁰C until it is collected or until the next milking
- Additional milkings into a vat will not increase the milk temperature to above 10⁰C
- Must provide a minimum of 30 days cooling profile data for delivery line and vat that is USB downloadable in CSV file format
- Must have a tamperproof system to indicate the disposal of rejected milk
- Robotic Dairies must snap chill milk to 6°C immediately after milk harvesting
The first 4 points are pretty much set in stone; the remaining 3
are currently still being debated and up for change by MPI.
These regulations are currently set for implementation by MPI in the 2015-2016 season.
The official Comm’s plan is due to start in the new year (once everything is signed off by MPI).
The inside scoop from Fontera is that for all supplies of milk going to full processing and arriving at above 10c: each farmer will be supplied with a warning notice that the milk temperature is non-compliant and in 2015 the milk will not be accepted at all.
There are also rumblings within the Ministry that they may look to get a mandatory 30 day electronic reading of milk temperatures for compliance reasons. Albeit, this is unconfirmed as yet, it is always good to have a heads up on any serious regulatory changes that the Ministry is proposing.
If you are looking to upgrade, further maintain your current calling systems… We can help!
MacDougalls can supply new, as well as repair or convert existing cooling systems to bring them up to date with the proposed cooling and storage regulations.
ENQUIRE TODAY for more Info >>