New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards

Things have been progressing well with the New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards. Entries closed on 20 December and we are happy with the numbers and calibre of entrants that we have on board this year.

The Entrants are:

Farm Manager of the Year Sharemilker/Equity Farmer of the Year
Sam Ebbett Duncan and Kim Fraser
Shaun and Helene Kelly Shane Edwards and Sherree Drysdale
Michael and Raewyn Hills Jarrod Greenwood
Joshua van der Weyden Lisa Hicks and Graeme Sorenson
Brenna Wynn Richard McIntyre
Cyril Humphrey Brian and Kate Underwood
Amy Lowe Patrick and Pushpa de Silva
Jagath Kankanamge
Ian Powell and LeAnne Blakelock
Leyton Gledhill
Kyle Falconer
Hayden McDonald
Gavin Humphrey

Dairy Trainee of the Year

Davi Lovett
Paul Mercer
Sean Spackman
Sacha Shannon
Rachel Revell
Larry Parwai
Renae Flett
Shanna Gambell
Guy Harvey
Jerry Tofilau
Samantha Cameron
Dustin Mayo
Nic Verhoek
Reon Hince

Judging commences for all entrants on 12th of February with finals judging finishing up on the 21st of February for the Dairy Trainees and 26th of February for the Sharemilker/Equity Farmers and Farm Managers.

For more information click here to visit New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards website.